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directed by Natalia Curea
18 min - Drama
directed by Natalia Curea
18 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Alfred, a middle-aged party clown, leads a somewhat artistic life in New York City, but it's not quite what he imagined in his youth. As he gets older, Alfred begins to question whether he has failed to achieve his dreams, and compares himself to a former college friend who seems to have it all.
18 Minutes 56 Seconds
18,000 USD
United States
United States
I really enjoyed this film a lot. Besides wonderful acting, “Jump” conveys a hopeful and optimistic message for all those people who experienced rejection and failure at some point in their lives. The morale of the story is to never give up on dreams or life, and that happiness should come from within regardless of external circumstances.
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directed by Natalia Curea
SYNOPSIS: Alfred, a middle-aged party clown, leads a somewhat artistic life in New York City, but it's not quite what he imagined in his youth. As he gets older, Alfred begins to question whether he has failed to achieve his dreams, and compares himself to a former college friend who seems to have it all.