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Salvaged Love
directed by Gisela Nadasy
8 min - Comedy, Drama, Romance
Salvaged Love
directed by Gisela Nadasy
8 min - Comedy, Drama, Romance
SYNOPSIS: A middle-aged couple in a tired marriage go to therapy for their daughter's sake. When they are encouraged to do something they never do, they end up in a museum and unexpectedly get the wind back in their sails. A romcom set in in Stockholm about finding that spark again.
Comedy, Drama, Romance
8 Minutes 8 Seconds
5,000 USD
Gisela Nadasy is an award-winning writer and director from Sweden. She has written, directed and produced five short films – and is the author of a children’s book (2019) and a teen novel (2022).
Gisela Nadasy
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Salvaged Love
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Salvaged Love
directed by Gisela Nadasy
SYNOPSIS: A middle-aged couple in a tired marriage go to therapy for their daughter's sake. When they are encouraged to do something they never do, they end up in a museum and unexpectedly get the wind back in their sails. A romcom set in in Stockholm about finding that spark again.