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She's Got Grit: Emily Harvey
directed by Dara Padwo-Audick
3 min - Documentary, Sport
She's Got Grit: Emily Harvey
directed by Dara Padwo-Audick
3 min - Documentary, Sport
SYNOPSIS: Emily Harvey was determined to not allow her disability to hamper her athletic passion. Because she grew up in an athletic family, being a triathlete easily became a lifestyle that Emily loves. In this episode, Emily addresses the idea that people with disabilities should not be considered inspirational for doing everyday tasks. Still, Emily believes that it’s important for children to have realistic role models who are both able-bodied and who have disabilities.
3 Minutes 13 Seconds
3,000 USD
United States
United States
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She's Got Grit: Emily Harvey
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She's Got Grit: Emily Harvey
directed by Dara Padwo-Audick
SYNOPSIS: Emily Harvey was determined to not allow her disability to hamper her athletic passion. Because she grew up in an athletic family, being a triathlete easily became a lifestyle that Emily loves. In this episode, Emily addresses the idea that people with disabilities should not be considered inspirational for doing everyday tasks. Still, Emily believes that it’s important for children to have realistic role models who are both able-bodied and who have disabilities.