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The Silent Child
directed by Chris Overton
19 min - Drama, Family
The Silent Child
directed by Chris Overton
19 min - Drama, Family
SYNOPSIS: This powerful and poignant film centres around a profoundly deaf four-year-old girl named Libby, who is born into a middle class family and lives in a world of silence, until a caring social worker teaches her the gift of communication.
Drama, Family
19 Minutes 55 Seconds
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Emotional and touching on many levels, this film leaves an impact. Clear to see why it won an Oscar.
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The Silent Child
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The Silent Child
directed by Chris Overton
SYNOPSIS: This powerful and poignant film centres around a profoundly deaf four-year-old girl named Libby, who is born into a middle class family and lives in a world of silence, until a caring social worker teaches her the gift of communication.