It is only in recent times that we have become so obsessed with trying to predict the future.

In the past, farmers, for example, were only concerned with a season to season reading of the future.

As our civilizations developed, people became more and more obsessed with what the future will bring.

Predicting the future became extremely popular after the advent of television.

Television heralded a new age of technological advancements which has been increasing rapidly ever since.

It is now possible to have a video call with astronauts in the International Space Station via your home computer. Meanwhile, weather satellites can accurately predict what’s the weather is likely to be at any given time all over the world.

The list of how technology has changed our lives is nearly endless.

There is no debating that technology has completely revolutionized the world in which we live and the way in which we live our lives.

The industry is heavily dependent on technology, therefore, is massively impacted by technological advancements.

So how was actually will the movie industry change in the near and far future? Let’s take a look.

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The Way We Watch Movies Is Going To Change.

Watching Movies From Home

The writing is already on the wall regarding how we will watch movies in the future. The failure of 3D movies to really take off demonstrated that they are not going to be the direction for the future.


Rather, it is likely that future viewing habits well revolve around watching movies from personal devices rather than attending movie theaters.

The success of Netflix has demonstrated just how eager people are to watch phones in their own personal space.


It is likely that virtual reality headsets will become commonplace as movies shift towards interactivity where players can walk around and experience the virtual movie world.

This year’s Netflix release of an interactive episode of Black Mirror was just the tip of the iceberg so far as interactive content will go.

In the future, movies are likely to become more like games then the 2D movies that we know today.

While it is possible that the 2D format will remain popular within small groups of people, it seems likely that the mass populous going to prefer virtual reality movies.

Interactive movies won’t require movie theatres, but simply headsets that can be used from anywhere. Audiences may even be able to meet inside movies to experience them together.

If this happens, audiences may actually be able to become the main characters in a movie, which will, in effect, totally blur the line between the movies that we know today and video games.

Big Data Analytics: Changing The Way Movies Are Made

While you can expect how we all experience movies to change quite considerably in the future, the way that they are made is set to undergo a complete revolution too.

In the future, big data analytics is going to drive every part of how a movie is produced.

Believe it or not, but big data will even determine what food is ordered for the production crew on a day by day basis.

This exciting new technology will be able to automate many of the time-consuming processes that the industry has relied on for more than a hundred years now.


On example is casting. Today, casting crews have to put out a casting call, sort through thousands of emails, screen test hundreds of actors, before then finally choosing the ones that they want.

In the future, when big data analytics is fully developed, this process will be entirely automated.

A script will be entered into a computer and sophisticated AI solutions will match the most appropriate actors and actresses to all the required parts based on certain criteria.


Everything from the budget, the box office pull of each actor, to the suitability of the role will be determined by big data analytics.

This single process will dramatically reduce the time it takes to get movies up and running while also saving the production of vast sums of money.

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Refining the production as it develops

Another area that will benefit immensely from big data analytics is the ongoing improvements that can be made to a movie from as far back as the script phase.

At each step of the way, data-driven moviemaking companies will be able to suggest changes that can be made to a movie in order to make it more appealing for audiences.

Never again will the movie’s target audience finish a movie only to feel that some aspect like the ending ruined it.

Big data will solve this problem by identifying weak points in everything from the script to the musical soundtrack.

Targeted Marketing

Marketing has been in something of a quagmire for the last few decades.

While advertisers have been able to take advantage of new technologies, such as CGI, to make their adverts seem more profound, the underlying approach has remained the same.

Well, once again, big data will change all that.

Data-driven moviemaking companies like Largo Films will be able to match a movie with its target audience.

Using everything from social media to data regarding the types of movies an individual likes to watch, sophisticated computer algorithms will be able to identify the best ways and outlets with which to link movie ads with their target audience.

This will guarantee that movie production companies are getting the best return on investment for every single dollar of their marketing budgets.

Not only that, but this system will also help swell audience numbers of people seeing movies.

These are just a few of the many ways that big data is going to revolutionize the movie business in the future.

The exciting news for all you filmmakers out there is that much of this technology is already being made available to you by Largo Films.

If you wish to learn more about data-driven moviemaking and how it will ensure your movie is a success, visit Largo Films website and request a demo.