It’s not every day that a group of passionate movie lovers plan a revolution.
Several years ago, this is exactly what the creators of Sofy.tv sat down and did.
The group comprised of the short movie maker Sami Arpa, who wrote, directed, and edited The Escape, data scientist Vassilis Kalofolias, and several others.
Frustrated by the lack of funding and distribution available to short filmmakers, they set out on a mission to revolutionize the short movie industry.
Aware of the power of video-on-demand streaming sites such as Netflix, the group hit on the idea of creating a live streaming site that was purely dedicated to short films.
This new platform would solve the two biggest problems facing the short movie industry and be the spark to ignite a short film revolution.
Let’s take a look at how.
Sofy.tv: The win-win solution for short films
The two main problems that face short moviemakers everywhere are getting their films distributed and finding a way to finance their projects.
Sofy.tv would solve both these problems.
Firstly, by giving short movie lovers the world over the chance to view a massive catalog of short movies, in a stroke, Sofy.tv dealt a mortal blow to the distribution problem that has kept the short movie industry almost entirely in the doldrums since the late 1930s.
Provided you have sufficient broadband to stream the site’s high-quality movies, then it is possible to view them literally anywhere and at any time.
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To solve the finance problem, Sofy.tv would allow moviemakers to monetize their films by rewarding them when its members watched their movies.
In essence, Sofy.tv acts as a portable, view-on-demand movie theatre where part of the member’s admission fee goes to the moviemaker.
While the sums of money involved might not be enough to entirely fund their new projects, the aim of Sofy.tv is actually to allow short filmmakers to finally be able to monetize their shorts for another reason.
Up until now, short movies were never expected to make money. Since movie theatres stopped showing shorts there has been no way for them to make money.
This led to production companies turning their backs on the industry.
As such, moviemakers were forced to rely on government grants and generous patrons, none of whoever expected to see their money repaid.
Now, thanks to Sofy.tv, moviemakers will be able to demonstrate returns on investment.
Eventually, it is the aim of the platform to generate sufficient revenues for shorts that production companies will once again return to investing in shorts.
For any doubters out there, just consider how some music shorts now command top Hollywood directors and budgets in the millions of dollars. All of this success lay with the popularization of the music video by a single TV platform – MTV – back in the 1990s.
Sofy.tv believes it can do the same.
A revolution in innovation
All revolutions need to be powered by something.
In the case of Sofy.tv, the real power of the platform lies under the hood.
Sofy.tv was created with the help of the Images and Visual Representation Lab at EPFL, one of the world’s leading technology universities.
EPFL worked together with the creators of Sofy.tv for more than 2 years to create a powerful AI-driven movie recipe engine that allows the platform to breakdown movies into their basic ingredients.
As CEO Sami Arpa explains, “A film is not only comedy, horror, or drama. It is a mixture of all these ingredients within a planned order. Our AI identifies the recipe of a film so that Sofy.tv can provide more accurate than ever before movie recommendations to our members.”
Once Sofy.tv has built up enough information regarding a particular user’s viewing preferences, it is able to predict future movie choices with an incredibly high degree of accuracy.
This feature has been so successful that users rarely have to go looking for a new film at all.
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Other Great Features Of Sofy.tv
Aside from the platform’s sleek and user-friendly interface, the site also has a powerful search feature that allows users to effortlessly find the films they want.
Another great thing about Sofy.tv is that you don’t even have to be a member to watch any of our catalog of 1000+ top shorts.
If you don’t wish to spend the $5.99 for our monthly membership, our platform offers a pay-per-view option for those people who only want access to specific films and for some reason don’t wish to become a member.
The Future Has Arrived
It is our belief that People want to watch short films.
However, the distribution spiral that occured after the advent of longer longer feature films starved filmmaker’s of the money they needed to get their films made.
Today, thanks to Sofy.tv, short film lovers can finally access the films that in the past they would never have been able to see wild movie makers can finally get that film scene and earn financial rewards in the process.
We believe that the technological innovations that power Sofy.tv will enable us to achieve the goal of putting short films back on everyone’s movie screens.
Now everyone can join the short film revolution.

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