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After Midnight in the Asphalt Jungle
directed by William Charles
4 min - Animation, Film Noir
After Midnight in the Asphalt Jungle
directed by William Charles
4 min - Animation, Film Noir
SYNOPSIS: 'In After Midnight In The Asphalt Jungle' establishes a very noir mood exploiting the dogs versus cats conflict to build up a crime/ detective story setting up an allegorical narrative tone.
Film Noir
4 Minutes 10 Seconds
United Kingdom
Black & White and Color
An imaginative, layered animation that sets up the film noir mood right away and reflects it in every shot and piece of dialogue. I found this highly original, compelling and very well made.
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After Midnight in the Asphalt Jungle
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After Midnight in the Asphalt Jungle
directed by William Charles
SYNOPSIS: 'In After Midnight In The Asphalt Jungle' establishes a very noir mood exploiting the dogs versus cats conflict to build up a crime/ detective story setting up an allegorical narrative tone.