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Grandma, meet Mary
directed by Kaire Russ
18 min - Comedy, Drama, Family
Grandma, meet Mary
directed by Kaire Russ
18 min - Comedy, Drama, Family
SYNOPSIS: At the center of the short film “Grandma, meet Mary!” we find an ordinary family struggling with generational differences about what it means to love and live a full life. The main character Virve is a middle-aged perfectionist, has gone to great lengths to make sure her mother’s jubilee would be a perfectly traditional family celebration. Her plans are interrupted by her niece Silvia who arrives to the party with an unexpected guest.
Comedy, Drama, Family
18 Minutes 44 Seconds
40 EUR
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Grandma, meet Mary
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Grandma, meet Mary
directed by Kaire Russ
SYNOPSIS: At the center of the short film “Grandma, meet Mary!” we find an ordinary family struggling with generational differences about what it means to love and live a full life. The main character Virve is a middle-aged perfectionist, has gone to great lengths to make sure her mother’s jubilee would be a perfectly traditional family celebration. Her plans are interrupted by her niece Silvia who arrives to the party with an unexpected guest.