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The Road to Learning
directed by Helene Zhuge
35 min - Documentary, Biography
The Road to Learning
directed by Helene Zhuge
35 min - Documentary, Biography
SYNOPSIS: Amidst the stunning mountains of China’s Sichuan Province sits a remote Tibetan settlement. In the poverty-stricken villages, Jamyang Lodro Rinpoche, the 47th inheritor of the Tibetan Buddhism Jonang sect, founded an intangible cultural heritage institute. Through learning Thangka painting, Tibetan embroidery, Tibetan medicine in the Institute, local young Tibetans have forged a new path in life with incredible transformation, and the power of tradition breathes new life into the community.
35 Minutes 31 Seconds
Tibetan, Chinese
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The Road to Learning
directed by Helene Zhuge
SYNOPSIS: Amidst the stunning mountains of China’s Sichuan Province sits a remote Tibetan settlement. In the poverty-stricken villages, Jamyang Lodro Rinpoche, the 47th inheritor of the Tibetan Buddhism Jonang sect, founded an intangible cultural heritage institute. Through learning Thangka painting, Tibetan embroidery, Tibetan medicine in the Institute, local young Tibetans have forged a new path in life with incredible transformation, and the power of tradition breathes new life into the community.