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Under Construction
directed by Azize Cansu Turan
15 min - Drama
Under Construction
directed by Azize Cansu Turan
15 min - Drama
SYNOPSIS: Vedat (65) is a conservative contractor and a single father. His son Oğuz(30), works at a government job his father found for him and living a life his father built for him. While Vedat is busy constructing Oğuz's life with his own needs, he doesn’t realize his son is losing his identity and happiness. With an unexpected task, Vedat is forced to view Oğuz's life from a different perspective.
15 Minutes 0 Seconds
5,000 USD
She graduated from Visual Communication Design in 2012. Later, she got a master's degree in Directing in Film and Drama. She started her career as an editor and quickly moved on to directing commercials .Her film ...
Azize Cansu Turan
A very simple and effective film layered with meaning. Great actors and cinematography.
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Under Construction
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Under Construction
directed by Azize Cansu Turan
SYNOPSIS: Vedat (65) is a conservative contractor and a single father. His son Oğuz(30), works at a government job his father found for him and living a life his father built for him. While Vedat is busy constructing Oğuz's life with his own needs, he doesn’t realize his son is losing his identity and happiness. With an unexpected task, Vedat is forced to view Oğuz's life from a different perspective.